Home Belmont County MCTV internet service restored in Belmont County

MCTV internet service restored in Belmont County

Logo for MCTV, a Massillon, Ohio-based TV and internet service provider serving some residents in the Ohio Valley.

Update: MCTV internet service is restored in Belmont County as of Tuesday afternoon.

BELMONT COUNTY, Ohio – MCTV customers in Belmont County are in day two of a major internet outage.

MCTV is a Massillon, Ohio-based TV and internet service provider serving some residents in the Ohio Valley.

The MCTV internet outage is turning to outrage in Belmont County with no word from the Massillon, Ohio-based company about what caused the outage or when they will restore service.

MCTV has refused to speak with River Network about the issue and its representatives have hung up on our staff repeatedly when we reached out to them in our capacity as members of the media and as customers.

Dimitri Vassilaros, host of Dimitri! Live & Dangerously Local!™️called out the MCTV issue on his show this morning and was unable to livestream his show.

Due to this major internet outage with its provider, MCTV, the River Network radio station streams and River Talk are not available.

None of the streams from 100.1, 96.5, 100.5 or 105.5 can be heard. River Talk radio is now limited to just two of its four frequencies due to this outage.

Steve Novotney’s show is also not available online.

The MCTV logo says, “We go the extra smile.” MCTV, your customers in Belmont County are not smiling.

MCTV touts its customer service on its website:

“Everyone at MCTV tries to do precisely that: go the extra smile for customers every day. We do that in a hundred different ways; answering phones quickly, arriving on time, spending a few extra minutes to inspect equipment, putting on heavy gloves and heading out during a snow storm to find a broken line. Always, with that thought in mind of going the extra smile.”

MCTV lists the following numbers on its website for customers to contact for help with service:

By Phone

Amsterdam/Bergholz: 330-739-8055 

Bellaire: 740-676-6377 

Barton, Maynard, Crescent and New Athens: 740-298-9199 

Salineville: 330-679-8882 

Stark County: 330-833-4134 

Wayne County: 330-345-8114 

West Virginia: 304-277-2811 

Woodsfield: 740-628-0366 

Powhatan Point: 740-795-5005

The website also has a chat and email contact feature.

The MCTV internet outage began Monday morning, Feb. 24. There is no estimated time for service restoration as of Tuesday morning, Feb. 25, and MCTV has yet to respond to repeated calls from River Network and even hung up on us.

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